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Security roller blinds

Apsauginės lauko žaliuzės pavesinės šonų uždengimui-akcija
Apsauginės lauko žaliuzės pavesinės šonų uždengimui gera kaina
Apsauginės lauko žaliuzės pavesinės šonų uždengimui nuolaida
Apsauginės lauko žaliuzės pavesinės šonų uždengimui

Security roller blinds


3.5/5 (2 Reviews)

Price: from 67 €




Security roller blinds block out heat and noise, protect windows from dust and the elements, and reduce the risk of a break-in. The aluminium profile shell with a Polyurethane filling makes security blinds sturdy and provides thermo-regulatory properties. We offer 6 types of profiles for security roller blinds. We recommend broader profiles for shutters covering larger surfaces.

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Security roller blinds are highly functional:

  • provide heat and sound isolation;
  • protect from dust and the elements;
  • reduce the risk of a burglary.

Security shutter benefits?

  • Nuleistos apsauginės žaliuzės užsidaro aklinai ir neleidžia stebėti, kas vyksta patalpos viduje.
  • Security shutters ensure privacy and markedly reduce the risk of a break-in. There is an additional mechanism that prevents the shutters from being raised by force.
  • Automated security roller blinds have a vacation mode. They can be programmed to roll up and shut themselves at different times each day, creating an impression that home owners are at home.
  • Security shutters are often combined with an alarm system for enhanced security. They are quite universal and provide additional benefits throughout the year. The aluminium profile shell of security roller blinds has a Polyurethane filling which makes it robust and helps regulate indoor temperatures by keeping heat from getting out and minimizing the amount of cold air that is entering from the outside. They also feature noise reduction properties.

Apsauginės žaliuzės gana universalios ir pravarčios tiek šaltojo, tiek šiltojo sezono metu: žaliuzių pagrindas – šarvas – gaminamas iš aliuminio profilio su poliuretano užpildu, suteikia konstrukcijai tvirtumo, žiemą mažina patalpos šilumos nuostolius, o vasarą – neleidžia patalpai įkaisti, taip pat turi garso izoliacijos savybių.

Security shutters can be operated manually or automatically. Manual control requires the use of a cord, a reductor or a spring mechanism, while automatic control is enabled with a lock, switch or a remote control. Roller blinds can be programmed to be rolled up and shut at specific times.

We offer a range of more than 30 colours to choose from. Since security shutters are installed inside or outside of a recess or are integrated into the facade you can choose a color that matches the building facade best.

Security shutters mounting
Security shutters mounting without casette
Security shutters mounting in the wall



Insulated security shutters have a plastic box, 3 chambers and are insulated from the inside, and a special technology can be used to get them insulated from the outside as well. It is a 2-in-1 deal: outstanding building facade appearance with maximum thermal isolation.


Security roller shutters are installed above the window, while insulated security roller blinds are attached to the window frame itself and installed inside a recess. The blinds are tightly pressed to the window, so when the strap color is matched they become nearly indistinguishable from the window frame. Security shutters can be easily repaired from inside of the building when needed, so there is no risk of damaging the building facade.


Security roller blinds are produced using 37-45 mm aluminium profiles. Maximum possible height is 3.55 m. These insulated shutters do not only thermally isolate (up to 0.69W/m2*K) but are also within the class 6 of wind resistance.


We also offer security roller shutters with mosquito screens that roll up into the same box as the security roller shutters. Insect screens can also be customized to cover separate sections of the windows.

Mounting in the wall security shutters

Contact us for a custom offer by completing an e-form, calling +370 640 12345 or visiting a LAURESTA store closest to you.

3.5/5 (2 Reviews)

Customer Reviews


2018 06 19 order VM-006191 was placed. Framed mosquito net with magnets, 0.69x1.345, 0.655x1.345 and a Viga lid complex. No response to this day. The order was priced for 90 EUR. I...

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I’d like to thank this firm for their help in ordering a spare part. We’ve had an outdoor awning for ten years. However, it needed some replacement parts. We went to your compe...

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Genė Dobrovolskytė

Quality products for an affordable price. Thanks....

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Danute V.

Many thanks for the roller blinds Day and Night as well as quick and efficient service. I’ll surely be recommending you to my friends. Wish you best of luck!!!! Respecftully, Da...

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